Saturday 31st December
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm Eileen Murphy (McDara Road) recently deceased.
Sunday 1st January New Years Day
9.30 am Intention free
11am Eddie Brennan
12.15 pm 1. Gerard Monaghan and 2. Patrick O'Reilly
6.30 pm Maura Flanagan
Monday 2nd January 10 am Intention free
Tuesday 3rd January 10 am For all the Sick and Aeneas Coyle
Wednesday 4th January 10 am For the Holy Souls
Thursday 5th January 10 am Gerard McDonagh
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm Intention free
Friday 6th January Feast of the Epiphany
10am Deceased members of the Duignan family
11.30am Jim, Madge and Frank Brearly
6.30 pm Intention free
Saturday 7th January
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm. 1. Michael Comber and 2. Ruth Browne
Sunday 8th January
9.30 am Deceased members of the Doherty and McKee families.
11am Mabel and Paddy Walsh and 2. John and Billy Ward
12.15 pm 1. Frank Nally and 2. Pascal Lally and deceased members of Lally family.
6.30 pm Teresa and Joseph Geoghegan