11 September 2015

Mass intentions for the week ahead 13th September 2015

Saturday 12th September
Vigil Mass    5.30 pm  1.  Delia and Denis Hynes.  2.  Marie Golding. 
                                     3.  Violet and Bertie Brodie
                                     4.  Beatrice Oduah

Sunday 13th September
10.00 am  1.  Nora Whelan
                 2.  Catherine and James Feerick and Michael and Bridget Hunt
                     and deceased members  of Feerick and Hunt families.

11.30 am  1.  Statia Grehan
                 2.  Denis, Kevin and Tom O' Brien

3.00 pm         Cemetery Sunday Mass in Rahoon

Monday 14th September
10am  Mary and Frank Moran and deceased members of Moran family.
Tuesday 15th September   10am   Sick and 2.   Paddy McDonagh
Wednesday 16th September
Thursday 17th September
Friday 18th September

Saturday 19th September
Vigil Mass   5.30 p.m   1.  Bridie Joyce.   2.  Margaret Forde
                                      3 Damien McElroy
                                      4.  Matthew Kyne.

Sunday 20th September
10.00 am   Maria McDonagh

11.30 am   1.  Tilly, Johnny, Rose and Jimmy Jennings
                  2.  William Keane

2.30 pm     Indian Community Mass