9 March 2012

Notices Received

Westside Kickboxing Club
Denis Brosnan of the Westside Kickboxing Club has asked us to make known that bogus collectors have used the name of the club claiming to collect for the club. They are not authorised to do so and there is no collection for the club under way at this time. Anybody approached is advised to contact Salthill Garda Station.

Esker Retreat House/Youth Village.
Palm Sunday Retreat in Esker, arrive 9am, depart 5.30pm. A quiet day apart, preparing for Holy Week and Easter. Three-course dinner included. Suggested offering €30.
Easter Triduum Retreat in Esker: from Holy Thursday evening to Easter Sunday morning, in a quiet, prayerful setting. Phone Esker 091 844007/091 844549 for details and booking. Cost €160 covers accommodation, meals, and retreat.
Galway Cathedral Prayer for Emigrants
On Thursday 15th March at 7:30p.m a special liturgy will take place in Galway Cathedral to mark, remember and pray for all our loved ones who have had to leave the land of their birth.