Saturday 24th September
11am Andy Halloran (Months Mind Mass)
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm Gary Dillon and John and Margaret Berry.
Sunday 25th September
9.30 am Aidan Rafferty
11am William Creane and Michael Kelly and deceased members of the
Kelly and Lynskey families.
12.15 pm Mary and Paddy O'Flaherty and Terry Lyons
6.30 pm 1. Deceased members of Costello and Hoare families.
2. Teresa Cubbard.
Monday 26th September 10am Intention free
Tuesday 27th September 10am For all the Sick
Wednesday 28th September 10am Tim and Eileen Tierney
Thursday 29th September 10am Intention free
Friday 30th September 10am Patrick and Ellen Morgan and Esther Tierney
Saturday 1st October
11am Donal Morkan (Months Mind Mass)
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm Michael Larkin and 2. Paddy, Doreen and Lynda Dunne and
Frank Malone.
Sunday 2nd October
9.30 am Intention free
11am Mick Horan and Bartley Fahy
12.15 pm Delia Hynes (1st Anniversary)
6.30 pm George and Bee (Mary Walsh) and Joe McGuckin.