13 April 2009

Are you called to SERVE?

SERVE is an Irish charity that offers volunteering opportunities for young people to work in the developing world. SERVE works to support parishes, religious orders and community based initiatives to tackle poverty in the developing world.
On the 8th of May SERVE will hold its annual fundraiser Flip Flop Friday where across Ireland volunteers will help sell flip flop pins made by vulnerable women in Thailand. For SERVE the flip flop is a symbol of solidarity as it is the footwear of the worlds poorest people. As well as supporting women in Thailand, money raised will support SERVE's projects in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mozambique, the Phillippines, India and Brazil.
This year SERVE is asking people to be 1 of 300 and sell a box of 100 Flip Flop pins. If you are interested in joining SERVES's campaign in any way please contact them on (Belfast number) 04890434121 or 00447837411503 or email chris@serve.ie For more information see www.serve.ie