4 December 2015

Mass intentions for the week ahead 6th December 2015

Saturday 5th December 2015
Vigil Mass     5.30 pm     1.   Jack Ward (Months Mind Mass)
                                         2.   Bridget and Coleman Hernon
                                         3.   Frank Broderick
                                         4.   Margaret Flaherty and deceased members of Flaherty and Carr

Sunday 6th December 2015  2nd Sunday of Advent
10.00 am  1.   Kate Sweeney
                 2.   Paddy and Mary Lenihan

11.30 am  1.   Joe Hoade
                 2.   TIm Naughton  (1st Anv)

Monday 7th December
10am    1.   Jacinta Saldanah
             2.   Special Intention for College Exams

Tuesday 8th December    Feast of the Immaculate Conception
10.00 am  1.  Sick
                 2.  Beatrice Oduah
11.30 am  Tom and Kathleen Casserly

Wednesday 9th December
10am  Special Intention
Thursday 10th December
10am  Special Intention
Friday 11th December
10am   Timothy Kyne

Saturday 12th December 2015.
Vigil Mass:     5.30 pm  1.  William (Billy) McKee (1st Anv)
                                       2.  Deceased members of Mannion, Fleming, Ward and Lynskey
Sunday 13th December 2015    3rd Sunday of Advent
10.00 am     1.   Cliona Tierney
                    2.   Vinny Byrne

11.30 am     1.   John and Eileen O'Toole
                    2.   Tommy Folan and deceased members of Folan family
                    3.    Barbara Boyle, Martin Keane and Walter Brennan and deceased members
                           of Coen and Barrett families.