31 December 2014

Mass intentions for the week ahead 4th January 2015.

Saturday 3rd January
Vigil Mass     5.30 pm    Ruth Browne
Sunday 4th January
10.00 am     Intention free
11.30 am     1.  Tim Naughton (Months Mind Mass)
                    2.  Patrick O'Reilly

Monday 5th January
10am  John D. Kyne and deceased members of Kyne family.
Tuesday 6th January   Feast of the Epiphany
10.00am    Sick
11.30 am   Special Intention
Wednesday 7th January
10 am   John Ward and Living and Deceased Members of Ward and Mongan families.
Thursday 8th January
10am    Intention free
Friday 9th January
10am    Intention free

Saturday 10th January
Vigil Mass     5.30 pm  Pat Ward

Sunday 11th January
10.00 am  Mabel and Paddy Walsh

11.30 am  1.  Billy McKee (Months Mind Mass)
                 2.  Michael Comber
                 3.  Betty Troddyn