4 July 2014

Mass Intentions for the week ahead 6th July 2014.

Saturday  5th July
Vigil Mass      5.30 pm   Gerard Garvey

Sunday 6th July
10.00 am     Sean Connolly

11.30 am     1.  Kathleen and Edward Diviney
                    2.  Sean Stokes

Monday 7th July
10am   Special Intention
Tuesday 8th July
10am   For all the Sick
Wednesday 9th July
10am   Michael and Josephine Ormond
Thursday 10th July
10am   Intention free
Friday 11th July
10am   Special Intention

Saturday 12th July
Vigil Mass      5.30 pm   1.  Peter Griffin
                                        2.  Agnes O'Laoghaire (Months Mind Mass)
                                        Pray also for Michael Maughan

Sunday 13th July

10.00  am                Intention free

11.30 am   1.  Vincent and Bridie Tedders
                  2.   Molly Cleary
                  3.  Stephen Murphy

3.30 pm     Indian Community Mass.