3 January 2013

Mass intentions for the week ahead 6th January 2013

Saturday 5th January
Vigil Mass   6.30 pm Bernard Cooke (Months Mind Mass)

Sunday 6th January   Feast of the Epiphany
9.30 am     Deceased members of Doherty and McKee families
11am         Frank Gaffney (Months Mind Mass)
12.15 pm  1.  Patrick O'Reilly and 2.   Peggie Carter
6.30 pm    Larry Allen

Monday 7th January   10am  Intention free
Tuesday 8th January    10am  Intention free
Wednesday 9th January   10am   Intention free
Thursday 10th January    10am    Intention free
Friday 11th January         10am    Anna Leigh Cleere

Saturday 12th January
Vigil Mass    6.30 pm   1.  Michael Comber
                                   2.  Michael Maughan

Sunday 13th January    Baptism of the Lord
9.30 am   1.  Christy O'Brien and 2.  Betty Troddyn
11am       1.   Mabel and Paddy Walsh and 2.  Frank Nally
12.15 pm      1.  Andrew Rodgers and 2.  Paschal Lally and deceased members of Noone and
                                                                 Lally families.
6.30 pm       1.  Chris and Joe Fitzpatrick and 2.   Ellen Hynes