31 October 2009

Kids Corner, All Saints Day.

Cian and Bella.
Matthew 5:1-12 • The Be-Attitudes
Cian: Hey there Bella! What’s up?
Bella: Hi Cian, just thinking about having a good attitude and stuff.
Cian: Mam says that sometimes I don’t have the right attitude, but I’m not sure what she means, do you know about this ‘attitude’ business Bella?
Bella: I think I do actually! I was listening to the Gospel today and it was all about having the right attitude. The great commandment of Jesus is to ‘love one another’. This is what he asked us to do in order to build the Kingdom of God. Jesus taught us a set of attitudes that we should have in order to ‘be’ in the Kingdom of God. This set of attitudes is known as the Beatitudes (Be-attitudes). Jesus said that these attitudes are specially blessed by God. They act as a guide for us, they show us how to ‘be’ kind and loving in our relationships with each other and with God.
Cian: Wow Bella! I’m impressed!
Read over the Beatitudes. Choose one and decide how it would help you to be more kind and loving today.
Orla Walsh •Email walsh_orla@eircom.net