1 November 2008

November Novena of Masses.

While all of the Novena Masses will be offered for all the faithful departed and for the intention requested in the November envelopes, there will be special prayers at each of the Novena of Masses as follows:

Sunday November 2nd
General Intention:
For all those who have died.

Monday November 3rd
General Intention:
Special Intention: For all those who have died.
Those who passed on the faith to us.
Giving thanks for the faith received from parents, family, teachers, priests and religious.

Tuesday November 4th
General Intention:
Special Intention: For all those who have died.
Praying for a deceased husband or wife.
Entering into the loss of a spouse.

Wednesday November 5th
General Intention:
Special Intention: For all those who have died.
Death through suicide or accident.
Remembering teenagers and young adults.

Thursday November 6th
General Intention:
Special Intention: For all those who have died.
For those who died in our parish in the last year.
Living with grief where the loss is still fresh.

Friday November 7th
General Intention:
Special Intention: For all those who have died.
Recalling the death of a child. Coming to terms with loss of one to whom you gave life, even if only in the womb.

Saturday November 8th
General Intention:
Special Intention: For all those who have died.
For deceased parents, brothers and sisters.
The finality of the death of a parent; the fears of the death of a brother or sister.
Sunday November 9th
General Intention:
Special Intention: For all those who have died.
Death around the world.
For those who died as a result of famine or disease, warfare or
Violence, to alleviate suffering or in the cause of peace

Monday November 10th
General Intention:
Special Intention: For all those who have died.
The forgotten.
Bringing to God, in our prayer, those who have nobody to pray for them.