31 July 2009

Kids Corner, August 2nd.

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Cian and Bella talk about John 6:24-35 • The Bread from Heaven
Bella: Hi there, Cian is at a match and so I am going to chat to you today about this Sunday’s Gospel. It is called ‘The Bread from Heaven’ because it is about the real goodness that comes from having God in our lives. Bread from the oven fills us at lunchtime, but bread from heaven fills us always! Bread from heaven is about the way we see God in our lives every day. Sometimes it is hard to see God in the classroom or in the playground or even at home and I don’t mean to actually see God walking around! I mean to see evidence of his greatness, to feel happy inside when something good happens, that is seeing God in our lives. In the Gospels we always learn about how Jesus showed care and concern for others and so this is what he has asked us to do. The result of showing care and concern for others is bread from heaven, and that is the bread that helps us to be strong in love and strong in our life for each other and for God.
How can you work for ‘Bread from Heaven’ today?