Saturday 24th August
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Sheila Folan (Months Mind Mass)
2. Josephine Greaney (1st Anv) 3. Timothy Murray Jnr (1st Anv).
Sunday 25th August Diocesan Collection: Youth Faith Services
10.00 am Tony Browne and deceased members of Browne family.
11.30 am 1. Keith Feerick
2. John McCallion.
3. Bernard Jackson.
Monday 26th August
10am Special Intention.
Tuesday 27th August 10am 1. Sick
2. Thanksgiving Mass for the Holy Souls.
Wednesday 28th August 10am 1. Holy Souls
2. Deceased members of Boyd/Moore families.
Friday 30th August 10am Tom Jackson
Saturday 31st August
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Kathleen Maughan. 2. Breege Birmingham
3. Mary and Brod Trill 4. Herbert Trill.
Sunday 1st September
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Paddy Ward 2. Mary Crehan 3. P. J. Murray.