9 August 2024

Mass intentions for the week ahead 11th August 2024

Saturday 10th August   

Vigil Mass:    5.30 pm      

1. Desmond Donovan and Tom Burke and deceased members of Donovan/Burke

    families.     2.   Rose and Michael Heneghan

Sunday 11th August   

10.00 am     John, Maureen and Sheamus Hession and deceased members of 

                    Finnucane/Hession families. 

11.30 am     1.  John Lovett    2.   Sean and Molly Cleary.      

Monday 12th August             

10am    Batty and Eileen Maher and decd. members of Maher/Hession families.

Tuesday 13th August   10am    1.  Sick       

                                                    2.  Michael Molloy and Patrick and Michael O Donohue.

Wednesday 14th August        10am   Special Intention.

Thursday 15th August  Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Friday 16th  August   10am   Tom Jackson

Saturday 17th August   

Vigil Mass:    5.30 pm    Aine Staunton (1st Anv)

Sunday 18th August   

10.00 am     1.   Colm MacGiolla Ri (Months Mind Mass)

                     2.  Caroline Feeney and  Bert McDonagh.

                    3.  Tony Browne and deceased members of Browne family.

11.30 am     1.  Michael Griffin        2.   Bridie Welby.      

                    3. Sean Peter, Bridget, Sean, Winnie and Michael Ridge.