Saturday 28th August
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Patrick Conroy (Months Mind Mass)
2. Frank Rice 3. Bridie and Edward Courtney 4. Ned Walsh
Sunday 29th August
10.00 am Michael Curran
11.30 am
Monday 30th August
10am 1. Eugene Wims and deceased members of Wims family
2. Special Intention
Tuesday 31st August 10am 1. Sick 2. Kathleen Maughan
Wednesday 1st September 10am Andrew Thompson
Thursday 2nd September 10am 1. Justin Shaughnessy (birthday remembrance)
2. Sis Berry and deceased members of Berry family.
Friday 3rd September 10am
Saturday 4th September
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Hubert Walsh (1st Anv) 2. Sally Kelly
3. Charlie Ward
Sunday 5th September
10.00 am
11.30 am