Saturday 14th August
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm Michael (Mick) Grealish (Months Mind Mass)
Sunday 15th August
10.00 am 1. Tom and Nora O'Halloran
2. Sean Peter, Bridget, Sean, Winnie and Michael Ridge.
3. Catherine and James Feerick
11.30 am 1. John McCallion 2. John Lovett 3. Tony Browne
Monday 16th August
10am 1. Mary O'Halloran 2. Pat and Francis Maloney
Tuesday 17th August
10am 1. Sick 2. Mary Pascal Radford (birthday remembrance)
Wednesday 18th August
10am Andrew Halloran
Thursday 19th August 10am
Friday 20th August
10am 1. Pete & Bartley O'Connor and deceased members of O'Connor family
2. Special Intention.
Saturday 21st August
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Ned Walsh 2. Caroline Feeney 3. Bert McDonagh
Sunday 22nd August
10.00 am 1. Michael Whelan 2. Caroline Feeney 3. Bert McDonagh
11.30 am 1. Michael Griffin 2. Cepta Casserly
3. Mary Crehan and deceased members of Crehan family
4. Bernard Jackson.