Diocesan Collection at all Masses this Weekend for Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage.
Saturday 3rd June
Vigil Mass : 5.30 pm 1. Sandra O'Neill (Months Mind Mass) and her mother Kathleen
2. Peg Collins (Months Mind Mass) and her husband Bertie
3. Peg and John McMahon
Sunday 4th June Pentecost Sunday
10.00 am Patrick Holland and his sister Nonie Cosgrove
11.30 am 1. Peter, Margaret and Timmy Joyce
2. Raymond and Edmund Toner
Monday 5th June 10am Mary and Frank Moran
Tuesday 6th June 10am Sick
Wednesday 7th June 10am Stephen Nee
Thursday 8th June 10am
Friday 9th June 10am Una Kerrigan (1st Anv)
Saturday 10th June
Vigil Mass : 5.30 pm 1. Derek Lee
2. Catherine and John Deeney
3. Jimmy Geraghty
Sunday 11th June The Most Holy Trinity
10.00 am 1. Ann Mitchell
2. Richard, Sarah and Jean Devlin
11.30 am 1. Patrick O'Neill and deceased members of O'Neill family
2. Angela Feeney and deceased members of Carpenter and Murphy families.
Baptism: 12.30 pm Dylan James Maughan