Saturday 24th June
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm
1. Josephine Feeney (Months Mind Mass)
2. William Lambe, John and Kate Walsh and Alice Dunphy.
Sunday 25th June
11.30 am William O'Connor
Fr. Brendan Payne, St Patricks Missionaries will give a talk this weekend at all Masses.
Baptism 12.30 pm Chulainn Luke Walsh
Monday 26th June 10am Mickey Sullivan and Ronnie Murray
Tuesday 27th June
10am 1. Sick
2. Winnie Mongan and deceased members of Mongan/Ward families.
3. Special Intention 'Myra'
Wednesday 28th June 10am Frank Darcy
Thursday 29th June 10am Brian Staunton
Friday 30th June 10am Michael Mongan and deceased members of Mongan
and Collins families.
Saturday 1st July
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
Marie Flaherty (Months Mind Mass)
Sunday 2nd July
10.00 am Liam McKnight
11.30 am 1. Victor Crawley 2. Kathleen and Edeard Diviney
3. Della Delaney and 4. Sean Stokes.