Saturday 6th May
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Paul and Gary Daly and deceased members of family
2. Stephen Corcoran
3. Donal Fahy
Sunday 7th May
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Bridie & Ted Conneely and Esther Francis
2. Pat Dunne
3. Barbara Boyle, Martin Keane and Walter Burke and deceased members
of Coen and Barrett families.
Monday 8th May
10am Thomas and Eileen Forde and Valeria Forde
Tuesday 9th may
10am Sick
Wednesday 10th May
Thursday 11th May
10 am 1. Michael, Patricia and James Conneely.
2. Bridie, Andrew and Noel Dunne
Friday 12th May
10 am Michael Kenny recently deceased.
Saturday 13th May
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. David Coen
2. Rita O'Connor
Sunday 14th May
10.00 am Maureen Kennedy
11.30 am Thomas and Mary Griffin