Saturday 20th May
Vigil Mass : 5.30 pm 1. Patrick Burke (Mincloon)
2. Mary, Andrew Keady and their son Andrew
3. Tony Carroll
Sunday 21st May
10.00 am Tom Sherlock
11.30 am 1. Cecelia McDonagh
2. Martin and Willie Corcoran and Thomas and Bridget McDonagh
3. Joseph Conneely
4. Julia, Martin, Declan and Tommy Folan.
Monday 22nd May
10am Peggy O'Connor
Tuesday 23rd May
10am 1. Sick 2. Special Intention
Wednesday 24th May
10am Ann Mongan and living and deceased members of Mongan and Ward families.
Thursday 25th May
10 am John & Annie & Michael McDermott
Friday 26th May
10am 1. Bridget Molloy
2. John Martin Collins (birthday remembrance)
11am Confirmation : Scoil Bhride, Shantalla, Galway.
Saturday 27th May
Vigil Mass : 5.30 p.m. 1. Tommy Jenkins (Months Mind Mass)
2. Michael Francis, Mary and baby Michael Joseph.
3. Hughie Flynn
Sunday 28th May The Ascension of the Lord
10.00 am 1. Patrick Coughlan (1st Anv)
2. Mary Welby and deceased members of Welby family.
11.30 am 1. Bernadette Donovan
2. Bridie O'Donohue (1st Anv)
12.30 pm Baptism: Gerard Andreas Sherlock.