Saturday 6th August
Vigil Mass : 5.30 pm 1. Malcolm Shaughnessy
2. Margaret Collins
3. Bridget and Martin Naughton
Sunday 7th August
10.00 am Professor Ciaran McCarthy recently deceased
11.30 am 1. Rosemary Conneely (Months Mind Mass)
2. John Joseph Lee and deceased members of Higgins family
3. Anne O'Brien
4. Noel Dunne
Monday 8th August
10am Pat Fahy and deceased members of Fahy family
Tuesday 9th August
10am Sick
Wednesday 10th August
10am Patrick and Michael O'Donohue
Thursday 11th August
Friday 12th August
Saturday 13th August
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. John Lovett
2. Derek O'Neill
3. Paula Collins-Burke
Sunday 14th August
10.00 am 1. Nora O'Leary and Sally Gannon
2. Everard Cairns recently deceased in Canada
11.30 am 1. Mary and Frank Nally
2, Yvonne Crowley
3. Raymond O'Neill
2.00 pm Indian Community Mass