Saturday 27th August
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Ned Walsh
2. Paddy Feeney and deceased members of Feeney
and Gill families.
3. Donal Morkan and 4. Tony Higgins
Sunday 28th August
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Sean Lydon, Highfield Park (1st Anv)
2. Ridge family deceased: Sean (Peter), Bridget, Sean, Willie
and Michael
Monday 29th August
Tuesday 30th August
10am Sick
Wednesday 31st August
10.00 Tommy Dodd
12.00 noon Martin McDonagh (Months Mind Mass)
Thursday 1st September
10.00 am
Friday 2nd September
10 am
Saturday 3rd September
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Stephen Burke
2. Sybil, Peter and Desmond Ryan
Sunday 4th September
10.00 am Noel Hession (Months Mind Mass)
11.30 am 1. Walter O'Flaherty (Months Mind Mass)
2. Andrew Halloran
3. P.J. Murray
Baptisms: Jana Elle Callindoy and Kate Joyce Powell