Saturday 23rd April
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm Michael Foley
Sunday 24th April
10.00 am Marty Lee
11.30 am 1. Bernadette O'Reilly
2. Donal Fahy
3. John Mongan, living and deceased members of Mongan and Ward families.
Monday 25th April
10am 1. Eileen Kelly and Bridget Tierney
2. Rita Cooney
Tuesday 26th April
10am Sick
Wednesday 27th April
10am 1. Cathriona Cullina who died recently
2. Michael Kavanagh and his sister Bridie O'Neill
Thursday 28th April
10am Martin Forde
Friday 29th April
10am 1. Margaret Lydon
2. Special Intention for Paddy and Teresa Diviney
(celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniv)
Saturday 30th April
Vigil Mass 1. Rita O'Connor
2. David, Rose and Peter Hopkins
3. Veronica Cooney and deceased members and friends of Clareke,
Rabbitte and O'Brien families.
Sunday 1st May
10.00 am
11.30 am Barbara Boyle, Martin Keane and Walter Burke and deceased members of
Coen and Barrett families.