Saturday 9th April
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm
1. Winnie Ward
2. John Higgins and deceased members of Higgins and Murphy families.
3. John Michael Hanrahan
Sunday 10th April
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Thomas Cooney and deceased members of Cooney family
2. Delia and Michael Donoghue
Monday 11th April
10am Anne Park Scott
Tuesday 12th April
10am SICK
Wednesday 13th April
10am Kevin Clery
Thursday 14th April
10am Fintan and Deborah O'Flynn and deceased members of O'Flynn and Ferguson families
Friday 15th April
10am Bernie Gunnigan who died recently
11am Confirmation : Scoil Bhride Shantalla
Saturday 16th April
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Mary and Joseph Quirke
2. Ena Carolan (1st Anv) and Joe and Maureen O'Toole
3. Desmond Donovan
Sunday 17th April
10am Barbara and Stephen McDonagh
11.30 am Gerard Francis and his grandparents Margaret and Patrick Conway.