20 March 2015

Mass intentions for the week ahead 22nd March 2015.

Saturday 21st March
Vigil Mass               5.30 pm  Valerio Mazzanti (Months Mind Mass)

Sunday 22nd March  5th Sunday of Lent
10.00 am    Kevin Hunt
11.30 am    1.  Mary and Kevin Doyle and deceased members of Doyle family
                   2.  Thomas Cooney and deceased members of Cooney family

Monday 23rd March
Tuesday 24th March
10am    1.   For all the Sick
             2.   Sean Kilraine (birthday remembrance)
             3.   Anne Doherty
Wednesday 25th March    Feast of the Annunciation
10am  John L. Sullivan and deceased members of Sullivan family
Thursday 26th March
Friday 27th March
10am  Margaret, James, Owen and Anne Maughan

Saturday 28th March
Vigil Mass      5.30 pm     Breege Fahy (Coogan Park)

Sunday 29th March   Palm Sunday
10.00 am      Colman Sweeney

11.30 am      1.  John and Kathleen Higgins and John, Joan and Siobhan Reilly
                     2.  Grace and Billy Joyce