13 March 2015

Mass intentions for the week ahead 15th March 2015

Saturday 14th March
Vigil Mass    5.30 pm  Kathleen, Michael and Padraic Creaven and deceased members of          
                                     Creaven family.

Sunday 15th March  4th Sunday of Lent
10.00 am

11.30 am  1.  Ivan Canavan and 2.  Maureen Forde

 3.30 pm       Indian Community Mass

Monday  16th March
                      10.00 am
Vigil Mass:     5.30 pm    Michael John and Margaret Walsh and Edward and Ellen Reynolds
Tuesday 17th March    St Patrick's Day
10.00 am     For all the Sick
11.30 am    
Wednesday 18th March   
10am    Mick  Caulfield
Thursday 19th March   St Joseph's Day
Friday 20th March
10am  Jack, Anna and John Nestor and Fr. Billy Pilkington

Saturday 21st March
Vigil Mass      5.30 pm

Sunday 22nd March    5th Sunday of Lent
10.00 a m    Kevin Hunt
11.30 am     1.  Mary and Kevin Doyle and deceased members of Doyle family
                    2.  Thomas Cooney and deceased members of Cooney family.