Saturday 21st September
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm 1. Bridie Joyce and 2. Matthew Kyne
Sunday 22nd September
9.30 am Aidan Rafferty
11am 1. William Creane and 2. Nora Flaherty and deceased members of Madden family.
12.15 pm 1. Mickey Costello and 2. Frank Duffy
6.30 pm 1. John and Margaret Berry
2. Maureen and Thomas Walsh and their son Alfred and Raymond Maloney.
Monday 23rd September
10am Biddy Ward and living and deceased members of Ward and Mongan families.
Tuesday 24th September
10am For all the Sick and 2. Mary and Paddy Flaherty
Wednesday 25th September
10am Michael Griffin
Thursday 26th September
10am Intention free
Friday 27th September
Thomas and Mary Griffin
Saturday 28th September
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm 1. Gary Dillon and 2 . Teresa Cubbard
Sunday 29th September
9.30 am Intention free
11am Intention free
12.15 pm Joseph, Una and Leo Smyth
6.30 pm Deceased members of Hoare and Costello families.