Saturday 14th September
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm Marie Golding and 2. Delia Hynes
Sunday 15th September
9.30am 1. Nora Whelan and 2. Violet and Bertie Brodie
11am 1. Matilda Jennings and her uncle Johnny Jennings
2. Statia Grehan
12.15 pm 1. Denis O'Brien and 2. Frederick Hanley
3.00 Mass in Rahoon Cemetery
3.30 pm Indian Community Mass
Monday 16th September
10am Intention free
Tuesday 17th September
10am For all the Sick and Maisie and Michael Sherlock
Wednesday 18th September
10am Thomas and Maria Jackson
Thursday 19th September
10am Intention free
Friday 20th September
10am 1. Patrick Boyle and 2. Ann Park-Scott
Saturday 21st September
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm 1. Bridie Joyce and 2. Matthew Kyne
Sunday 22nd September
9.30 am Aidan Rafferty
11am 1. William Creane
2. Nora Flaherty and deceased members of Madden family.
12.15 pm 1. Mickey Costello and 2. Frank Duffy
6.30 pm 1. John and Margaret Berry
2. Maureen and Thomas Walsh and their son Alfred Raymond Maloney.