Saturday 6th January The Epiphany of the Lord
10am 1. Thomas & Bridget Francis, their sons Leonard, Micheal, Eddie and Christy.
2 Charlie, Mary Ellen and John Moore and John Daly.
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. John Leaper
2. Rita and Jackie Lynskey and their son John.
Sunday 7th January The Baptism of the Lord
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Gary Collins (Months Mind Mass)
2. Liam Whelan (Months Mind Mass)
3. Joe Daly (Months Mind Mass)
Monday 8th January
10.00 am 1. Patrick Ward (Months Mind Mass)
2. Paddy Sweeney (birthday remembrance)
Tuesday 9th January
10am 1. Sick 2 Anne McSharry 3. Tom Jackson
Wednesday 10th January 10am
Friday 12th January
10am 1. Annalee Cleere (18th birthday remembrance)
2. Edel and Paddy Hession and deceased members of Hession/Flesk families.
Saturday 13th January
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm Martin Sharry (Months Mind Mass)
Sunday 14th January
10.00 am 1. Chris and Joe Fitzpatrick 2. Tom Jackson
11.30am 1. Nora Rea 2. William Griffin 3. Michael Comber