Saturday 26th August
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
1. Jerry Morkan (Months Mind Mass) 2. Jamie Barrett 3. Una Doherty
Sunday 27th August Diocesan Collection: Youth Faith Services
10.00 am 1. Kathleen Tyndall (Months Mind Mass)
2. Eileen Crowley and deceased members of Crowley family.
11.30 am 1. John McCallion
2. Mary and Frank Nally
Monday 28th August
10am Nan Buckley
Tuesday 29th August
10am Sick
Wednesday 30th August
10am Kathleen Maughan
Friday 1st August
10am 1. Ben Kelly (80th birthday remembrance)
2. P.J. Murray and deceased members of Murray family.
Saturday 2nd August
Vigil Mass: 1. Justin Shaughnessy 2. Sis Berry and decd. members of Berry family.
3. Hubert Walsh
Sunday 3rd August
10am 1. Joan Graham
2. Deceased members of Tedders family
11.30 am 1. Paddy Ward
2. Statia Grehan