Saturday 20th May
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm Mary and Andy Keady and their son Andrew
Sunday 21st May
10.00 am Bridgie and Sean O'Dowd
11.30 am Pat Dunne
Monday 22nd May
10am 1. Cepta Casserly 2. Tom Sherlock
3. Nora and Charlie Ward and decd members of Ward/Barrett families.
Tuesday 23rd May
10am Sick
Wednesday 24th May
10am Ann Mongan and decd. members of Mongan/Ward families.
Friday 26th May
Saturday 27th May
11.00 am Holy Communion : Scoil Bhride Shantalla
Sunday 28th May
10.00 am Eileen Crowley and decd. members of Crowley family.
11.30 am 1. Patricia Donnellan (1st Anv)
2. Helena and Frank Duffy and decd. members of Codyre/Duffy families.
3. Bridget and Bartley Molloy.