Saturday 12th November
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
1. Novena 2. Margaret Maybury (Months Mind Mass) 3. Finian Fahy 4. Evelyn Timothy
Sunday 13th November
10am Martin Joe and Mary Kate O Connor
11.30 am 1. Shirley Maher 2. Angela Murphy
Monday 14th November
10am 1. Holy Souls 2. Special Intention 3. Madeline Moloney
Tuesday 15th November
1. Sick 2. Keith Feerick (birthday remembrance)
3. Deceased members of Galway Flower and Garden Club.
Wednesday 16th November
10 am Winnie Mongan and deceased members of Mongan/Ward families.
Friday 18th November 10am
Saturday 19th November
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
1. Anthony Keane and his sons David and Robert
2. Bridie Lally (1st Anv)
Sunday 20th November Diocesan Family Services Collection this weekend.
10.00 am 1. Sarah Walsh 2. Bartley Griffin
11.30 am 1. Bernard and Kathleen Cooke and their son Bernard and Mary Hughes
2. Margaret Gallagher (1st Anv)
3. May and Dan Carr and their son Danny.