Saturday 2nd April
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Mary and Paddy Daly 2. Desmond Donovan
Sunday 3rd April Ukraine Special Collection
10.00 am 1. Winifred and Philip o'Gorman 2 Mary Maughan
11.30 am 1. Tony Naughton (Months Mind Mass) 2. Martin Lydon
Baptisms(3) Charlotte Nikita Ward, Owen Patrick McCarthy and Rosemarie McCarthy.
Monday 4th April
10am 1. Gerald Delargy 2. Kathleen and Tom Casserly
Tuesday 5th April 10 am 1. Sick 2. Keith Feerick
Wednesday 6th April 10am Special Intention
Friday 8th April 10am Jim Casserly
4pm : Baptism: Aaliyah Caroline Angel Murray
Saturday 9th April
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm Michael Grealish (1st Anv)
Sunday 10th April Palm Sunday
10.00 am 1. Tom Jackson 2. Patrick, Dorothy and Anne Gavin and Danny Weiss
3. Nicholas Barrett and Marie Collins
11.30 am 1. Padraig Brennan (1st Anv) 2. Gerry and Julie Curran
3. Claire and Kate Curran
Baptism: Bridget Winifred Geraldine Ward.