Saturday 1st January
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm Mary Maughan
Sunday 2nd January
10.00 am
11.30 am
Monday, 3rd January
10am Special Intention (Holy Souls)
Tuesday 4th January
10am 1. Sick 2. John Kyne 3. Nora Collins
Wednesday 5th January
10am Nellie and Ambrose Beatty
Thursday 6th January The Epiphany of the Lord
10 am Special Intention
Friday 7th January
10.00 am 1. Jim Casserly
2. John Ward and deceased members of Ward/Mongan families.
Saturday 8th January
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm John Leaper (1st Anv)
Sunday 9th January Baptism of the Lord
10.00 am
11.30 am Michael Comber