Saturday 20th November
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
1. Anthony Keane and his sons David and Robert Keane.
2. Eileen and Padraic Spelman.
Sunday 21st November
10.00 am 1. Sarah Walsh
2. Eileen Crowley and deceased members of Crowley family.
11.30 am 1. Gerald and Mary Egan 2. May, Dan and Danny Carr.
Monday 22nd November
10 am 1. Cepta Casserly 2. SPECIAL INTENTION
Tuesday 23rd November
10 am 1. Sick 2. Mary Boyle 3. SPECIAL INTENTION
Wednesday 24th November
10am Bridget, Matthew, Mike, Robert and Austin Barrett and deceased members of
Barrett family.
Thursday 25th November
10am 1. Frank Gaffney 2. SPECIAL INTENTION
Friday 26th November
Saturday 27th November
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Anne Sherlock 2. Kitty and Mattie Duggan
Sunday 28th November
10.00 am 1. Justin Shaughnessy 2. Annemarie Moloney
11.30 am Marie Phillips