Saturday 31st July
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
Sunday 1st August
10.00 am 1. Malcolm Shaughnessy 2. Tony Tierney
3. Margaret, Liam and Jackie Hession and deceased members of Hession/Murphy families.
11.30 am Sarah Murphy (1st Anv)
Monday 2nd August
10am William, Bridget and Sean Canavan deceased.
Tuesday 3rd August
10am 1. Sick
2. Maureen Qualter and deceased members of Qualter/Noone families.
Wednesday 4th August
10am Paddy Feeney and deceased members of Feeney/Gill families.
Thursday 5th August
10am Holy Souls
Friday 6th August
10am Patrick and Bridie O'Donohue and deceased members of O'Donohue family.
4pm Baptism: Daniel Alan Ward
Saturday 7th August
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Mary Burke (Months Minds Mass)
2. Jim Casserly
Sunday 8th August
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Peter Flaherty
2. Molly and Sean Cleary