Saturday 24th April
5.30 pm Vigil Mass: Rita o'Connor (John Coogan Park)
Sunday 25th April
10.00 am 1. Eileen Crowley and deceased members of Crowley family
2. Mick Foley
11.30 am
Baptism: Tianna Bernadette Ellie Elizabeth McDonagh
Monday 26th April
10am Michael Grealish recently deceased.
Tuesday 27th April
10am 1. Sick 2. Marty Lee 3. Gerard Knee
Wednesday 28th April 10am
Thursday 29th April 10am
Friday 30th April 10am
Saturday1st May
5.30 pm Vigil Mass: 1. Kathleen, Derek, Sandra O'Neill
2. Frank Smith and decd. members of Smith family.
Sunday 2nd May
10.00 am Colette Mahon and deceased members of Mahon family
11.30 am