Saturday 21st September
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Bridie Joyce 2. Mickey Costello 3. Concepta Glavin
4. Tilly, Johnny, James and Rose Jennings
5. Damien McElroy.
Sunday 22nd September
10.00 am 1. William Creane 2. Teresa Cubbard
11.30am 1. John McCallion (Months Mind Mass)
2. Tess Anderson (1st Anv)
3. Michael Griffin 4. Nora and Martin Flaherty
Monday 23rd September
10am 1. Bridget Ward and deceased members of Ward/Mongan families.
2. Special Intention (thanksgiving)
Tuesday 24th September
10am 1. Sick 2. Pat & Judie McDonagh
Wednesday 25th September
10am 1. Mary Kyne recently deceased
Thursday 26th September
10am 1. Special Intention (thanksgiving Holy Souls)
Friday 27th September 10am Special Intention (thanksgiving)
Saturday 28th September
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Noel Hernon (Months Mind Mass)
2. Deceased members of Costello/Hoare families.
3. Padraig Higgins, Gary Dillon and Michael Larkin
Sunday 29th September
10.00 am Keith Feerick (Months Mind Mass)
11.30 am 1. Kathleen Maughan (Months Mind Mass)
2. Una, Joseph and Leo Smyth
3. Eileen and Tim Tierney
4. Aidan Rafferty
5. Maeve Sinnott