Saturday 6th July
Vigil Mass : 5.30 pm Tommy Keane (1st Anv)
Sunday 7th July
10.00 am 1. Maura Gaffney
2. Vincent and Bridie Tedders and deceased members of Tedders family.
11.30 am 1. Eileen Crowley (Months Mind Mass)
2. Sean Stokes 3. Kathleen and Edward Diviney
4. Rosemary Conneely
Baptism: Ciara Aine Quin
Monday 8th July
10.00 am 1. Special Intention (Matt O'Riordan/Rory O'Bradaigh)
2. Eamonn McWilliams (1st Anv)
Tuesday 9th July 10am 1. Sick 2. Special Intention
Wednesday 10th July 10 am
Thursday 11th July 10 am
7pm - 9pm Westside Arts Festival
Friday 12th July 10am Special Intention.
Saturday 13th July
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Michael Cosgrove 2. Gerard Garvey
3. Joe Ryan 4. Peter Griffin
5. William Ward
Sunday 14th July
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Teresa O'Rourke 2. Molly Cleary