Saturday 15th June
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Margaret Garvey (Months Mind Mass0
2. Catherine and John Deeney
3. Martina Buckley
Sunday 16th June Holy Trinity
10.00 am 1. Ann Mitchell
2. Special Intention
3. Thomas, Mary, Thomas Jnr and Anne Hayden.
11.30 am Kathleen and Martin Murphy
Monday 17th June
10am 1. Martin and Willie Corcoran
2. Thomas and Bridget McDonagh
Tuesday 18th June
10 am 1. Sick 2. Martin McDonagh (birthday remembrance)
Wednesday 19th June
10am Mary & Frank Moran and deceased members of Moran family
Thursday 20th June
10am 1. Elizabeth Keane 2. Ann Park-Scott
Friday 21st June 10am
Baptism: 4.00 pm : Rico Gerard Mongan
Saturday 22nd June
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm Shirley Fannon (Months Mind Mass)
Sunday 23rd June Corpus Christi
10.00 am
11.30 am Stephen Griffin
Baptism: Thomas Owen Maughan