Saturday 16th March
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
1. Tommy Curran (Months Mind Mass)
2. Des Fitzpatrick and Jackie Allen
3. Michael John and Margaret Walsh
4. Edward and Ellen reynolds
5. Michael Doherty
Sunday 17th March (St Patrick's Day) Emigrants Collection
10.00 am
11.30 am Thomas Rea
Monday 18th March
10am John and Sarah Sullivan and deceased members of Sullivan family
Tuesday 19th March
10am 1. Sick 2. Special Intention
Wednesday 20th March
10am John Merrick
Thursday 21st March 10am
Friday 22nd March 10am Kevin and Mary Doyle
Saturday 23rd March
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Martin Jennings (Months Mind Mass)
2. Mary and Paddy Daly
3. Prof. Matthew McCarthy (2nd Anv)
4. Kevin Hunt
5. Andrew and Mary Keady, their son Andrew and Ann Keady (1st Anv)
Sunday 24th March
10.00 am 1. John Merrick
2. Mary and Patrick Lawrence and deceased members of Lawrence family and Charlie Ward
11.30 am
1. Maeve Hanley (1st Anv)
2. Thomas Cooney and deceased members of Cooney family