Saturday 12th January
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
1. Christ & Joe Fitzpatrick and deceased members of Fitzpatrick family.
2. Nora Rea 3. Mabel Walsh
4. Ted Costello (1st Anv)
Sunday 13th January Baptism of the Lord
10.00 am Mary Flood
11.30 am 1. Nonie Creighton (Months Mind Mass)
2. Gerald & Nora Naughton
3. Ellen Hynes
Monday 14th January
10am 1. Deceased members of Gray family
2. Special Intention
Tuesday 15th January
10am Sick
Wednesday 16th January
10am Mattie and Mary Connolly
Thursday 17th January
Friday 18th January
10am Paddy and Mary Moloney and deceased members of Moloney and Commins families.
Diocesan Collection this weekend for Diocesan Pastoral Centre
Saturday 19th January
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
1. Tony McDonagh and his parents John and Winifred McDonagh
2. Deceased members of Connolly, Kelly, Mahon and O'Dwyer families.
3. Timmy Murray
Sunday 20th January
10.00 am Joseph Reidy
11.30 am 1. Paddy Grehan 2. Andrew Rogers 3. Martin McDonagh.