Saturday 27th October
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Tess Anderson (Months Mind Mass)
2. Margaret Brook (1st Anv) 3. Micheal Walsh 4. Martin Greaney
5. Matthew, Bridget, Michael and Robert Barrett
Sunday 28th October
10.00 am 1. Kathleen Ward 2. Martin Ryan
11.30 am 1. Kitty Carr (Months Mind Mass) 2. Maeve Sinnott (Months Mind Mass)
3. Chris, Thomas and Tomas Coughlan and deceased members of Larkin/Coughlan
Monday 29th October
10am Margaret Maughan
Tuesday 30th October
10am 1. Sick 2. Martin Mongan and deceased members of Ward/Mongan families
Wednesday 31st October
Thursday 1st November All Saints Day
10.00 am
11.30 am Kate Ward
7.30 pm - 9 pm Scripture Talks with Fr. Gerard McCarthy
Friday 2nd November All Souls Day
10am Novena
Saturday 3rd November
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm Novena Mass (for all those who died in the Parish during the past year)
Sunday 4th November
10.00 am Novena Mass
11.30 am 1. Terry Colohan 2. Therese O'Brien
3. Joan Tierney (1st Anv) Ted and Bridie Conneely and Esther Francis.