Saturday 19th May
Vigil Mass : 5.30 pm (Music at Vigil : Joe Flaherty
1. Deceased members of Ryan family
2. Gabriel Darcy (1st Anv) 3. Martin Jennings (1st Anv)
4. Dave Coen 5.. Tony Carroll
Sunday 20th May Pentecost Sunday
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Joseph Conneely
2. Alan McDonald (Months Mind Mass)
Monday 21st May 10am Pat Fallon recently deceased
Tuesday 22nd May 10am Sick
Wednesday 23rd May 10am Special Intention (Michael and Norann Barrett)
Thursday 24th May
10am Ann Mongan and deceased members of Mongan/Ward families.
Friday 25th May
Baptism: 4.00 pm Alexia Bridget Lee
Saturday 26th May Ignite Choir signing at this Vigil Mass
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
1. Pat Shaughnessy
2. Michael, Mary and Baby Michael Joseph Francis
3. Patrick Burke and deceased members of Burke family
4. Josephine Feeney
Sunday 27th May
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Bridget (Brid) Tierney (Months Mind Mass)
2. Bernadette Donovan
3. Patrick and Bridie Donoghue
4. Bridget Molloy
2.30 pm Children Remembrance Mass