Saturday 28th May
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Gerald Knee (Months Mind Mass)
2. Michael and Mary and baby Michael Joseph Francis
3. Helen and Breege Duignan and deceased members
of Duignan family.
4. Peg and John McMahon
5. Tony Carroll
Sunday 29th May Feast of Corpus Christi
10.00 am Jack, Anna, John Nestor and Fr. Billy Pilkington
11.30 am 1. Keith Moloney (Months MInd Mass)
2. Bernie Donovan
3. Mary and Peter Hehir and deceased member of the family
Monday 30th May
Tuesday 31st May
10am 1. For all the Sick
2. Bridie O'Donohue
Wednesday 1st June
10 am
Thursday 2nd June
Friday 3rd June
Saturday 4th June
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm Bertie Collins
Sunday 5th June
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Edmund and Raymond Toner
2. Paddy O'Neill and deceased members of O'Neill family.