15 January 2016

Mass intentions for the week ahead 17th January 2016

Saturday 16th January
Vigil Mass    5.30 pm  1.  Peter Devlin (Months Mind Mass)
                                     2.  Joseph Maloney, Bridget Maloney and their sons
                                           Eddie and Raymond Maloney

Sunday 17th January

11.30 am  1.  Andrew Rodgers   2.  Ellen    3.   Nora Rea and 4. Gerald and  Nora Naughton

2.30 pm     Indian community Mass

Monday 18th January
10am  Mary and Frank Moran and special intention (birthday remembrance)

Tuesday 19th January
10am    For all the Sick
Wednesday 20th January
Nora and John Newell and Padraig Gildea
Thursday 21st January
10am  Pierce, Aggie John, Barry and Ian Wade and baby Elisa McNally
Friday 22nd January
10am   Ellen Sweeney, living and deceased members of Sweeney and Mongan families.

Saturday 23rd January
Vigil Mass     5.30 pm  1.  James Butler, Richard and Mary Ryan and Jimmy Butler
                                      2.  Richard and Richie Ryan
                                      3.  Sinead Darcy
                                      4.  Chris and Joe Fitzpatrick

Sunday 24th January
10.00 am

11.30 am    1.   Bridie Staunton     2.   Paddy Grehan        3.   William Griffin
                   4.   Martin mcDonagh.