Saturday 18th July
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Stephen Lally
2. Sr. Brid Brennan and Sr. Catherine Burke
Sunday 19th July
10.00 am Mary Conroy
11.30 am 1. Joe Ryan
2. Patrick and Esther Colohan
3. Yvonne Crowley
3.30 pm Indian Community Mass
Monday 20th July 10am Christy Lavender
Tuesday 21st July 10am
Wednesday 22nd July 10am Bill and Bridgie Hynes
Thursday 23rd July 10am
Friday 24th July 10 am
Saturday 25th July
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm Jack Spelman and deceased members of Spelman and Donnellan families.
Sunday 26th July
10.00 am Marian Lennon
11.30 am 1. Bill Keane
2. Eamon Flaherty
3. Deceased members of Reidy family.