Saturday 18th April
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Maureen Fahy and 2. Desmond Donovan
Sunday 19th April 3rd Sunday of Easter
10.00am Dorothy, Patrick and Anne Gavin
11.30 am Gerard Francis and his grandparents Margaret and Patrick Conway
Monday 20th April 10am
Tuesday 21st April 10am For all the Sick
Wednesday 22nd April 10am Bridget and Bill Hynes
Thursday 23rd April 10am
Friday 24th April 10am John Mongan and living and deceased members of Mongan
and Ward families.
11.00 am Confirmation : Scoil Bhride Shantalla
Saturday 25th April
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Rose, David and Peter Hopkins
2. Mick Foley
3. William Griffin and Thomas and Mary Griffin.
Sunday 26th April 4th Sunday of Easter
10.00 am Marty Lee
11.30 am 1. Bernadette O'Reillly
2. Tom and Phyllis Higgins and Sean Higgins and deceased members of
Higgins family.