Saturday 14th February
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Sean Forde
2. Vincent, Alacoque, James and Ursula Scally
Sunday 15th February
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Mary and Michael Kelly
2. Michael Folan
3.30 pm Indian Community Mass
Monday 16th February
Tuesday 17th February
10am For all the Sick
Wednesday 18th February Ash Wednesday
Thursday 19th February
10am bobby Craughwell
Friday 20th February
10am Dan O'Neill (Months Mind Mass)
Saturday 21st February
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Tom Browne and Geraldine Browne O'Neill
2. Owen Sheppard
Sunday 22nd February
10.00 am Gerry Rafferty (1st Anniversary)
11.30 am 1. Colie Naughton
2. Bridie and Cyril Whelan
3. Bridget O'Reilly