Saturday 17th January
5.30 pm 1. Chris and Joe Fitzpatrick
2. Martin McDonagh
Sunday 18th January
10.00 am 1. Gerald and Nora Naughton and Una Newell
2. Pauline Caulfield
3. Eileen Guinnane
11.30 am 1. Paddy Grehan
2. Andrew Rogers
3. Ellen Hynes
3.30 pm Indian Community Mass
Monday 19th January
10am Intention free
Tuesday 20th January
10am For all the Sick
Wednesday 21st January
10am Agnes, Pierce, Ian and Barry Wade and Baby Eliza McNally
Thursday 22nd January
10am Mattie and Mary Connolly
Friday 23rd January
10am Bartley and Kathleen Molloy
Saturday 24th January
5.30 pm 1. Mary Sharry (Months Mind Mass)
2. Sinead Darcy
3. James Butler
4. Richard and Richie Ryan
Sunday 25th January
10.00 am Helen Sweeney and Living and Deceased Members of Sweeney and Mongan families.
11.30 am 1. Brian McDonagh (1st Anv) and Bernard McDonagh (10th Anv)
2. Bridie Staunton
3. Kate and Paudge Cooke.